Vincent Martin


Brief info

With a shooting career that spans just over 2 minutes and 22 years, Vincent brings a wealth of experience and an impressive background to his role as an instructor.. His extensive career includes military service, work as a Department of Defense contractor, and a myriad of deployments across high-stakes environments such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Dubai, Qatar, Italy, and Africa.

Vincent’s diverse experiences have shaped his expert understanding of firearms and tactics. He holds numerous certifications, including DynCorp WPPS, PSS, UCP Level 1 First Aid, Level 3 WPH, Level 4 PSC, NRA, and USCA 1-S. His broad training ensures that he provides top-notch instruction tailored to various needs and skill levels.

Beyond his impressive credentials, Vincent is passionate about helping new and apprehensive shooters build confidence. He excels in working with concealed carriers and those focused on home defense, using his expertise to turn uncertainty into proficiency.

Outside of the shooting range, Vincent enjoys hiking, skydiving, overlanding, visiting art exhibits, and reading.

Vincent is available: Wednesday – Saturday

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